- 2018 – 2024Diploma Fine Arts, Class of Prof. Nicole Wermers, Sculpture (Ceramics and Glass)
- 2017Exchange at Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague, Netherlands
- 2016Exchange at École cantonale d‘art de Lausanne (ECAL), Switzerland
- 2013 – 2018Bachelor Photography, University of Applied Sciences, Munich
Prices and Grants
- 2024Debütant:innen Price for Graduation Show
- 2024Studio Grant Armira Ateliers
- 2023Dannerstiftung Price
- 2021Grant VG Bildkunst
- 2020Nomination for Förderpreis Munich
- 2020Grant for Guest Studies in Media Art, Hfg Karlsruhe
- 2019Grant Deutschlandstipendium
- 2024Jahresgaben, Kunstverein München,
- 2024
- 2024Open Studios, Armira Ateliers, München
- 2024Graduation Show, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
- 2023Annual Exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
- 2023Eigentor für Arbeit, eineArtFestival, Freiburg im Breisgau
- 2023Politics of Display, Vitsoe Showroom, Munich
- 2022Selectionexhibition Cusanuswerk, The Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin
- 2022Soft Skills, galaxieoffgalerie, Vienna, Austria
- 2022Undermining & Oversharing, Produzentengalerie, Hamburg
- 2021Undermining & Oversharing, Stadtgalerie Schwaz, Austria
- 2021Videodox 3 – Biennale für Videokunst, Galerie der Künstler:innen, Munich
- 2021K.Group Preis für Fotografie, Akademiegalerie, Munich
- 2020Förderpreise 2020, Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich
- 2020Arbeit, Heim, Komfort, Art au centre, Liège, Belgium
- 2020Susan, Bites and Videotapes 2, Susan Bites, The Hague, Netherlands
- 2018Why Work, Fotodok, Utrecht, Netherlands
- 2018On-Demand Workforce, The Balcony, The Hague, Netherlands(Solo)
- 2018Good Work, The Grey Space in The Middle, The Hague, Netherlands
- 2017novembre x ECAL, Espace Canal Saint-Martin, Paris, France
The website was created with funding for debutants from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.

Michael Mönnich
Prinzregentenstraße 61
81675 München